Simple and affordable telemedicine
made for developing countries

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customised to your needs

Telemedicine Made Simple

USSD Appointment booking system

Patients can book appointments over a USSD short code, SMS or a website link to have an appointment slot automatically assigned to them with an available clinician.

Outbound audio and video calling

Our Clinical Portal allows your clinicians to easily conduct appointments with patients through our secure web portal and record clinical notes.

Patient's can either receive a regular phone call or open a link to conduct the appointment over video call if they own a smartphone.

Secure clinical record keeping

The Clinical Portal allows clinical records to be securely stored on your database. Our platform is fully self sovereign and doesn't talk to any external services. Fully self hosted on your servers.

Our platform offers HIPAA, GDPR, PHIPA/PIPEDA, and HITECH compliance from day one.

Digital prescription fulfilment

Our Prescription Fulfilment Solution sends patients digital prescriptions via SMS who can then simply present the unique prescription code to one of your partner pharmacy's to fulfil the order - no paperwork needed.

How we work

As a social enterprise, we are dedicated to partnering with developing countries to strengthen and revolutionise their healthcare systems.

By leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative strategies, we collaborate closely with local governments, healthcare providers, and communities to develop tailored, sustainable solutions that address the unique challenges faced by each nation.

Learn more
  • Full Code Ownership
    Upon purchase, your organisation gains full ownership of the source code, giving you the flexibility to adapt the platform to your needs.

  • Self Hosted
    Our self-hosted platform ensures your data remains secure and private, with no vendor lock in or third-party access to your data.

  • Custom Made
    We offer a bespoke integrations to ensure seamless compatibility with your existing systems, aligning with your clinical workflows.

Contact Us
  • USSD Booking Platform
  • Outbound Audio Calling
  • Clinical Portal
Fully build for your needs
Contact Us
  • Custom Telemedicine Solution
  • Tailored Integrations with your insurance providers
  • Bespoke Clinical Portal
  • Backend Services built in any modern programming language
  • Long-term technical support and enterprise-grade SLA

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